Music has always been a constant part of my everyday life. It is something that opens up creativity and provides community. It is building and growing relationships between old and new friends. I have found myself craving more of these opportunities and decided to use my years of experience and passion for writing, creating, recording and mixing to begin a new journey, 12|21 Recording Studio.
I officially started 12|21 this summer but have always been involved in recording and writing music, compiling gear and constantly thinking about how to piece it all together. This is my passion, my confidence, my obsessions, my world and now my work.
This ‘blog’ section will include updates, recording methods, gear talk, random/general music thoughts and suggestions, questions, etc. Please don’t ever hesitate to contact me regarding any of the content, any errors or mishaps or general questions or comments.
One project that I’m currently involved with now is All Times. We recently recorded a track at 12|21, which I also mixed, mastered and played on. It was a great weekend that held a perfect balance of creative freedom and execution. The composer, Bryant, has an older 100 series Taylor, which haven’t had a fresh set of strings on it in years. Most guitarists will tell you how lifeless and lethargic strings of this age will make a guitar feel and sound. On the contrary, they can provide a really unique response when played specifically. Being able to fingerpick with hardly any sustain will allow for each note to be heard in a soft manner, with obviously minimal sustain. We went with a standard mic placement of two condensers up close, with a ribbon for a medium room sound, which all tied in to capture a relatively organic sound. All compression on the vocals was through a distressor during recording. ‘Nature/In Waves’ is a stunning, stripped-down track with incredibly intimate, honest vocals. You can listen to it here:
We’ll be working on All Times’ full-length some time late next year.